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spartan118 Trick Member

Joined: 20 Nov 2004
140. Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 5:02 pm Post subject: |
Wolfman Jake wrote: | spartan118, try reading the rest of the thread. You should care about crappy DDR clones because they potentially sour public opinion of the genre OVERALL. That means they reflect badly on DDR AND ITG. Try thinking things through just a little harder.
Also, why would Konami sue Sony over Eyetoy Groove? Sony came up with a different gimmick that works quite well and doesn't infringe on Konami's patents.
Finally, I think the software patents are good for at least 10 years, and possibly as many as 20. DDR was only first released in 1998, so Konami has another good 3 to 13 years on those patents. |
1. I did indeed read the entire thread. Not thoroughly, though; so I don't remember most of what's been said. I think I'll re-read it and try to find what you want me to find.
2. Peoples' reasons why they don't like DDR come in two main denominators: either they don't like the music, or they think the dancing game is gay. If clones do come out, and they end up having a scosh of business sense, they will make the steps easier and include the "hip" music of the day to appeal to a typical mainstream audience (BET and MTV, for example). And the respective audience will probably like the games. The only people who will think the clones will be piss poor are the DDRFreaks. If this happens, dancing games will have a good reputation, fitness might become "fit" again, those of us who like DDR will still play our DDR, those of us who like our ITG will still play our ITG, those of us who like our PIU will do the same thing and etc., money is made, and everyone is happy (except perhaps big business, which most of us loathe anyway). Conclusion: Making dancing games less accessible is not "caring about the popular opinion of the people;" and I don't care what others think about MY interests. Cruel as it may sound, as a CONSUMER - not an investor or part of Konami - I have absolutely no obligation to listen to others' complaints.
3. You've got a good point regarding EyeToy Groove - especially since my suing rant was admittedly the result of misinformed speculation.
4. Thanks for the information regarding software patents.
I hope you don't think that I dislike you. In fact, it's good that someone here is taking this case seriously enough to put thought into their posts. I apologize if my informality has offended you. |
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  Trick Member

Joined: 25 Jan 2002
141. Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 7:42 pm Post subject: |
Wolfman Jake wrote: | spartan118, try reading the rest of the thread. You should care about crappy DDR clones because they potentially sour public opinion of the genre OVERALL. That means they reflect badly on DDR AND ITG. Try thinking things through just a little harder. |
Okay, here's some thinking: the 2D platformer
Virtually DEFINED by Super Mario Bros 1. Think about the sheer number of crap 2D platformers that came out for the NES, Master System, SNES, and Genesis that, more or less, took what Miyamoto thought up and raped it to the point of mediocrity.
Now, think about how well the genre managed up to the 32-bit era.
I could go to any other genre, too, no matter how mainstream or obscure. It will be littered mostly with crap, sprinkled with gems that took the predecessor and improved on it (some are more clone than others), but it was started by one game series that is still highly regarded and known, even by casual gamers.
Your reasoning is flawed.
And I've already stated this, what, twice now?
Quote: | spartan118, try reading the rest of the thread. |
*something or another about pots and kettles and darkness* |
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Wolfman Jake Trick Member

Joined: 13 Sep 2002
142. Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 8:42 pm Post subject: |
It's laughable that you can't even see where Super Mario Bros. is about the worst analogy you could make to the Konami vs. Roxor situation. Yes, Super Mario Bros. is a 2-D platformer. Yes, there are thousands of others, and yes a lot of them are crap. How many of them are played in exactly the same style as Super Mario Bros., however? Well, let's see...there's Super Mario Bros. 2 (Japanese), Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World...see the problem? ITG is played, for all intents and purposes, EXACTLY like DDR, but it is NOT Konami's DDR. To dismantel Konami's patents on DDR's gameplay mechanics means that EVERYONE could try to make a game that plays exactly like DDR AND ITG. It would bring a degree of staleness to the entire genre, an extremely niche genre at that. However, there are so many different executions and takes on the "2D platformer" type of game, it's staggering. People can tell the difference between Super Mario Bros. and Yo Noid! A lot of people cannot not tell the difference between DDR and ITG as it is, and more DDR clones will only make it WORSE. Your reasoning is flawed, and you've only showcased your ignorance and lack of critical thought, as you have said, "twice now." Try again.
BTW, Super Mario Bros. may have been the first truly great 2-D platformer, but it was in no way, shape, or form the progenitor of the entire genre. Sorry. _________________
Wolfman Jake |
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IHYD.Tiza Trick Member

Joined: 26 Jun 2005 Location: Escondido, CA |
143. Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 9:03 pm Post subject: |
Wolfman Jake wrote: | A whole bunch of stuff |
Let's see here, how about Sonic the Hedgehog? You run across levels, jumping over platforms, collecting rings (as opposed to collecting coins), jumping on robot heads (as opposed to Goomba heads), grabbing shields or speed shoes (as opposed to mushrooms and capes), while defeating some of Dr. Robotnik's jacked-up badniks (as opposed to Bowser's extended family), all in hopes of defeating Dr. Robotnik at the end of it all (as opposed to Bowser). Hm...
Sure, as the series moved on, things expanded and became more innovative, and eventually it got to the point where even the uneducated observer could tell the difference from Super Mario Bros and Yo Noid, but in the beginning it was all one big infringing mess.
And again, Wolfman, you go off on how stupid somebody is just because they don't agree with you. Although you kept your tongue civil for what I had to say (hm...), I'd still like to ask that you don't rip up anybody who puts up another point that you disagree with. Remember, not everybody is as experienced of a know-it-all or armchair lawyer or armchair CEO as you are.
Sorry. |
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Wolfman Jake Trick Member

Joined: 13 Sep 2002
144. Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 9:56 pm Post subject: |
Tiza, not even back in the days of Sonic the Hedgehog 1 did people confuse it for Super Mario Bros. or any other game or franchise. Hell, schoolyards were all abuzz about which mascot was "cooler." Lots of people still can't even tell the difference between DDR and ITG (and PUMP too) even when you explain it to them, so how do you think they'll react to another brand X DDR clone? 2D platformers are just a bad way to go if you want to question consumer ignorance in the matter of the dance game genre.
Suffice it to say, Sonic 1 was also pretty distinct from Mario from the get go too. Sonic's gameplay premise is based upon speed. Rings serve as your life meter; coins never did that in SMB. Sonic featured special bonus stages where to goal was to collect one of six special items needed to achieve the alternate (read good) ending of the game. SMB didn't have alternate endings until what, Super Mario 64? The things that Sonic and Mario shared in common were fluf like Invincibility powerups, and "running to the right" to complete a stage, etc. If Sonic shot fireballs, or flew around with a bright yellow cape, or a raccoon's tail, you might have been on to something.
The point is, Tiza, that some opinions are better thought out than others, and sometimes you just can't be coy about those things. You have to admit that the amount of coddling being promoted in our society now adays has reached a ridiculous proportion. In order to spare peoples feelings, we have to pretend as if anyone's opinion is somehow respectable or should be given consideration, and so on. It's just not realistic. People come up with BAD ideas a lot, and when you know someone has a bad idea and you don't tell them so, bad things often happen. True, little bad can come of idle chatter on messageboard, but it's never a bad idea to keep one's self in form. Yes, you can be civil about the matter, and I have tried to be for the most part in responding to some silly ideas in this thread, but [] was just being adversarial about the whole matter, right down to his smug attempt to say "the pot calling the kettle black" at the end of his post. Even so, I still think I've kept a reasonable level of civility in my response. For the record, I've not called or implied anyone here is "stupid." I ask you not to put words into my posts, Tiza. I have been implying that people have been thoughtless in what they propose and post here, though. Even the most brilliant minds can be completely thoughtless at times. The thread hasn't degraded, thankfully, into a shouting match of cursing and 3rd-grade name-calling, not yet at least. _________________
Wolfman Jake
Last edited by Wolfman Jake on Thu Aug 18, 2005 10:07 pm, edited 1 time in total |
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IHYD.Tiza Trick Member

Joined: 26 Jun 2005 Location: Escondido, CA |
145. Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 10:03 pm Post subject: |
Wolfman Jake wrote: | You have to admit that the amount of coddling being promoted in our society now adays has reached a ridiculous proportion. In order to spare peoples feelings, we have to pretend as if anyone's opinion is somehow respectable or should be given consideration, and so on. It's just not realistic. People come up with BAD ideas a lot, and when people don't tell other people that their ideas are bad, bad things happen. Yes, you can be civil about the matter, and I have tried to be for the most part in responding to some silly ideas in this thread, but [] was just being adversarial about the whole matter, right down to his smug attempt to say "the pot calling the kettle black" at the end of his post. Even so, I still think I've kept a reasonable level of civility in my response. For the record, I've not called or implied anyone here is "stupid." I ask you not to put words into my posts, Tiza. I have been implying that people have been thoughtless in what they propose and post here, though. Even the most brilliant minds can be completely thoughtless at times. The thread hasn't degraded, thankfully, into a shouting match of cursing and 3rd-grade name-calling, not yet at least. |
I agree on all of the quoted points. That being said, you can tell somebody they're flat out wrong without being harsh, and I don't mean coddling either.
I don't intend to turn this into a 3rd grade name-calling match either, so thanks for sharing the thought.
Anyways, I think I and a few others are guilty of a bad analogy here. If you were to explain the CONCEPT about Sonic and the CONCEPT of Mario Bros without being specific, people are going to get confused. ITG and DDR don't have the distinct mascots that identify Sonic and Mario, even more so with ITG machines being covered in Konami/DDR stickers. The differing identities of DDR and ITG lie with the song selection and the steps themselves, things that few untrained eyes or ears could catch without paying good attention. I concede your point on that one. You caught me, I thoughtlessly went along with a not-so-great analogy.  |
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VxJasonxV Maniac Member

Joined: 08 Feb 2002 Location: Castle Rock, CO |
146. Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 5:52 am Post subject: |
St00pidBaka // BluR wrote: | VxJasonxV wrote: | *gives Baka a "play"* |
What's THAT supposed to mean?  |
St00pidBaka // BluR wrote: | I want Konami to win and if that means RoXoR's code and their franchise of In the Groove gets killed, I wouldn't mind. I'm serious.
I barely -->!!!!!<-- In the Groove 2 anyways; I play mostly DDR anyways. However, I do appreciate In the Groove and do enjoy it. I just haven't played In the Groove 2 that much, as I suck horribly at its new timing, but then again - that's another discussion.  | Play. _________________
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Tomo_kun Trick Member

Joined: 26 Oct 2003 Location: SE-WI. |
147. Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 7:50 am Post subject: |
DDRNemesis wrote: | Actually, one song in Dancing Stage had one hand. U La La by Alexia | I looked at songlists, and it is in fact in DS 1.5 mix, but not in Euromix. There isnt a stepchart in existence, though.
Does anyone have one? _________________
Cutriss wrote: | FLCL, God of Gods wrote: | Uh... so when do we get the porn forum? | If you can't find porn on the Internet, you're not trying. |
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zaphod Trick Member

Joined: 23 Jan 2002 Location: Hayward, CA |
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Kyrandian Trick Member

Joined: 24 Mar 2002 Location: Portland, OR |
149. Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 9:45 am Post subject: |
Uh La La La was the only song added in DS 1.5, and was obviously made by someone who had no idea what they were doing whatsoever. I think it's pretty safe to assume that the hand was put there by accident when trying to record jumps, but no one bothered to give the stepchart a second look. It's funny that the song starts by fading in and ends by fading out right in middle of the second verse. This song wins the prize for worst official stepchart, song cut, and banner (they used Dub I Dub's instead of bothering to create a new one) ever created. |
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critikal Trick Member

Joined: 03 Apr 2005
150. Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 12:03 pm Post subject: |
Wolfman Jake wrote: | Tiza, not even back in the days of Sonic the Hedgehog 1 did people confuse it for Super Mario Bros. or any other game or franchise. Hell, schoolyards were all abuzz about which mascot was "cooler." |
That was those who played the game. My relatives definatly couldn't tell the difference between Sonic and Mario, just like some outsiders can't tell the difference between DDR and ITG. I've seen people walk by in the arcade who asked me how it (itg) was different than DDR, so I guess they noticed that it was different. |
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Thomas Hobbes Trick Member

Joined: 20 Aug 2002 Location: San Francisco // NorCal |
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VxJasonxV Maniac Member

Joined: 08 Feb 2002 Location: Castle Rock, CO |
152. Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 2:50 pm Post subject: |
Kyrandian wrote: |
Uh La La La was the only song added in DS 1.5, and was obviously made by someone who had no idea what they were doing whatsoever. I think it's pretty safe to assume that the hand was put there by accident when trying to record jumps, but no one bothered to give the stepchart a second look. It's funny that the song starts by fading in and ends by fading out right in middle of the second verse. This song wins the prize for worst official stepchart, song cut, and banner (they used Dub I Dub's instead of bothering to create a new one) ever created. | I see a hand in column 5 row 4. _________________
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DDRNemesis Trick Member

Joined: 10 Jun 2004 Location: Bryan, OH |
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  Trick Member

Joined: 25 Jan 2002
154. Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 3:11 pm Post subject: |
Wolfman Jake wrote: | It's laughable that you can't even see where Super Mario Bros. is about the worst analogy you could make to the Konami vs. Roxor situation. Yes, Super Mario Bros. is a 2-D platformer. Yes, there are thousands of others, and yes a lot of them are crap. How many of them are played in exactly the same style as Super Mario Bros., however? Well, let's see...there's Super Mario Bros. 2 (Japanese), Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World...see the problem? |
By exact style, you mean, look the same (with mushrooms and turtles), or do you mean play the same?
Jumping on platforms
Bottomless pits
Touch enemies and instantly die
Collect tokens
How many NES games fit this mold?
But, as I already said, you want me to go into other genres?
Survival horror: Birthed by AOTD. Put on the mainstream map by Resident Evil. Biggest clone was Silent Hill. Had almost the exact same gameplay as RE, right down to the control scheme. Even aped zombie dogs and oversized animals.
Puzzle: How many Tetris and Puzzle Bobble clones have there been?
Action FPS: Doom, and it's many clones before the genre evolved from mindless killing.
Old-school shooters: R-Type, Gradius, all that games where you collect powerups and such. I'm a huge fan of the genre, and even I can't tell some of the games apart.
2D beat-em-up: Remember Final Fight? Remember Streets of Rage 2?
I don't need the 2D platform analogy. It may have been kinda bad (I admitted being wrong in an argument! OMGOMG), but clones aren't even limited to it anyway.
It applies to any video game genre. Clones have been around for a long time. You can call me names and keep your high-n-mighty attitude all you want. But I'm not gonna back down from an argument unless proven wrong.
And childish "I'm smarter than you" insults just ain't gonna cut it.
Quote: | However, there are so many different executions and takes on the "2D platformer" type of game, it's staggering. People can tell the difference between Super Mario Bros. and Yo Noid! A lot of people cannot not tell the difference between DDR and ITG as it is, and more DDR clones will only make it WORSE. |
Somebody already addressed this.
People CAN'T tell the difference between many of the clones in the gaming world. Take something like Street Fighter vs King of Fighters. I could guarantee that common people would not be able to tell the difference. And there have been LOTS of closer Street Fighter clones than King of Fighters (ack, I wish I could remember the one that my arcade used to have).
Look at Halo and Pariah (which is pretty damned current if I say so). The environments and futuristic-yet-mundane weaponry so close, the screenshots may as well be from different maps from the same game.
Hell, casual mall-goers probably mistake PIU for DDR all the time.
Quote: | you've only showcased your ignorance and lack of critical thought, as you have said, "twice now." |
Is this how you win arguments and get people to back down? 'Cuz I'm not impressed. It's basically a different way of saying "shut up, your stupid" without sounding as immature.
Come with facts and logic, not insults.
Quote: | BTW, Super Mario Bros. may have been the first truly great 2-D platformer, but it was in no way, shape, or form the progenitor of the entire genre. Sorry. |
I wrote: | Virtually DEFINED by Super Mario Bros 1. |
The Gameboy didn't defined the handheld game console, but, honestly, who cares about what came before it?
But all of this is irrelevant, including my 2D-game analogy. The thing that started this all was simply this:
Quote: | It would bring a degree of staleness to the entire genre, an extremely niche genre at that. |
But Konami doesn't make arcade DDR anymore. It's like complaining that the people behind Mugen came out with a game exactly like MvC2. If Capcom isn't ever making another 2D VS-type arcade game, how exactly is the genre "hurt" by games that come out well after the last of that genre's kind?
You still haven't answered that. Or do you want to continue to post the usual "intelligent" insults I've already heard many times before ("Showcased your ignorance")?
Last edited by   on Fri Aug 19, 2005 3:14 pm, edited 2 times in total |
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DJTyrant Maniac Member

Joined: 25 Jan 2002 Location: Ventura, CA |
155. Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 3:13 pm Post subject: |
Alone in the Dark was more the birthplace of the horror genere than Resident Evil. _________________
Last edited by DJTyrant on Fri Aug 19, 2005 3:14 pm, edited 1 time in total |
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  Trick Member

Joined: 25 Jan 2002
156. Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 3:13 pm Post subject: |
DJTyrant wrote: | Alone in the Dark was more the birthplace of the horror genere than Resident Evil. |
Ah, you're right, my bad. |
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Thomas Hobbes Trick Member

Joined: 20 Aug 2002 Location: San Francisco // NorCal |
157. Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 3:14 pm Post subject: |
Like I said previously, they lose free advertisements for their DDR franchise, especially their home version releases which come out A LOT here. _________________
"I am about to take my last voyage, a great leap in the dark."
| Pics | Play-Asia | |
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  Trick Member

Joined: 25 Jan 2002
158. Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 3:35 pm Post subject: |
St00pidBaka // BluR wrote: | Like I said previously, they lose free advertisements for their DDR franchise, especially their home version releases which come out A LOT here. |
If that is indeed what is happening, that's not the genre's detriment. That's Konami's detriment. |
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Wolfman Jake Trick Member

Joined: 13 Sep 2002
159. Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 4:50 pm Post subject: |
[], if you want to believe that I've resorted to name-calling, then go ahead. I've already stated it's far from the case in my response to Tiza. Though, if you want to get snippy, your "pot calling the kettle black" would be considered a type of logical fallacy called "ad hominem." Since that's NOT what I want going on, lets set that aside now.
For whatever reason, you seem to be unwilling or unable to see where the dance game genre, and espeicially when we are talking about DDR's specific gameplay mechanics which Roxor cloned to make ITG, is a much more special case than most other videogame genres, and a comparison between it and most anything else out there in terms of public awareness is terribly sloppy. Puzzle games? If you can't tell Tetris apart from anything else in the genre, that's SAD. About the only thing most puzzle games have in common is match and eliminate pieces routine. Only Tetris gives you the trademark tetrids and makes you eliminate a complete horizontal line of blocks. No one is going to mistake it for Puyo Puyo, or Columns, or Dr. Mario, etc. The problem with shooters and fighters? No appeal to the outsiders. If you play those games, you KNOW what the differences are. Otherwise, you don't play the games, and it doesn't matter. In otherwords, they are genres that preach to the choir; they are FOR videogamers and not parents, outsiders, non-gamers, etc. DDR has brought something unique to the public, a game that promotes exercise (or at least the first one to become a cult success). It's a game that many people outside the videogame community have now become aware of and quite interested in, and the "DDR" name is in their heads (to Konami's delight), but the name is obviously generic to them, since we already KNOW people are confusing DDR and ITG. It's like calling a copy machine a "Xerox," or a facial tissue a "Cleanex." They are using the brand name but do not necessarily associate it with brand loyalty. These people are likely to pick up anything that LOOKS like DDR and probably not even know it's NOT specifically DDR. Roxor is pretty damned well aware of ALL of this, I can assure you, which is why they figured they could take a chunk out of DDR's pie. The success of ITG does not depend on the approval of the hardcore players who have been playing DDR for years. It depends on basically "confusing" casual players into thinking it's the same thing, so why not? If Roxor wins this case, they'll probably get that chance. But, it will open a Pandora's box of other clones, which will try to do the exact same thing Roxor is, and what is actually going to distinguish ITG from anything else? Expert? Casucal gamers couldn't care less. They'll pick up whatever has some songs they recognize or like, or who has the prettier box, or the cheaper price, or whatever the salesperson (in the hopes of getting rid of a stock of games that aren't moving) tells them, or maybe just the first one they find. Yeah, people use heuristics that are THAT poor when making purchasing choices. If you would please take a few moments to mull this over, [], and realize that this isn't about intellectual dickswing getting, you'll see I have a very strong point, which I try to back up with some thoughtful analysis. _________________
Wolfman Jake |
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