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PIU US Finals announced in Charlotte, NC
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60. PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 7:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, Arturo isn't god. And besides, just tell him to call her then. It's not hard. Someone should have done it long ago.
Wait, what's a D.D.R?

I love that question.
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61. PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 8:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

DDR_KiD_1 wrote:
Well, Arturo isn't god. And besides, just tell him to call her then. It's not hard. Someone should have done it long ago.


Sentient Mode is capable...
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Trick Member
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62. PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 9:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cutriss wrote:
DDR_KiD_1 wrote:
Well, Arturo isn't god. And besides, just tell him to call her then. It's not hard. Someone should have done it long ago.


Chill on the pills


Anti-perspirant and a good diet could cost how many millions of dollars? While a simple black T-shirt costs me $3 at Walgreens.
You do the math.[/quote]
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Trick Member
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63. PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 5:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, it took me a total of 3 minutes to call and ask. And perspective? Hmmmm. 900 dollars on 3 plane tickets, hotel money, rent a car, eat. Damn, I should calm down and not care to wait forever for a date on something that is supposed to be a NATIONAL tournament. Logical.

PS: Sry bout the Aunt and Uncle.
Wait, what's a D.D.R?

I love that question.
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64. PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 7:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I understand the concern some pumpers have, who have committed to this tournament. It upsets me also, that this National tourney has yet to really announce any info. Unfortunately, from my location, there's not alot I personally can do, other than offer input, urge quicker action, and act as a spokesperson (in both directions, from organizers to players, and vice versa). I'm doing all I can to get them to finalize and announce. I completely agree that we should have info up ASAP.

But yes, the tourney WILL go on as scheduled. Yes, the venue SHOULD be the Jillian's* outside of Charlotte, North Carolina (in Concord, NC), but I won't commit to that until it's officially announced to me. The ruleset, from what I've seen, appears to be very close to finalization, and I've just seen the official website, which should go live soon. Hopefully, this will allay any fears/doubts that anyone currently (and understandably) might have.

On a side note, we might have one documentarian there to shoot footage for a Pump doc project, and I've got a New York City filmmaker who might be coming to gauge the scene and possibly do her own doc. Also, I'll be trying to digicam some footage for broadcast to the world's pumpers at the upcoming World Pump It Up Festival in Korea, so perhaps you will have a chance for a few moments of fame, lol.

As always, thanks to Cutriss and CStarFlare for the support!

*Jillian's, for those who do not know, is a restaurant/bar/arcade chain much like Dave and Buster's. In fact, roughly a year ago, D&B bought up many of the Jillian's stores and the right to use their name/trademarks/etc.
Dallas, TX
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65. PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 1:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I really hope your allowed to pick your freestyle song on singles.

I'm starting to see A "freestyle" mod in this new PIU machine.
And I'm really hoping that you DO NOT have to do your freestyle on Freestyle mod/ doubles.

I've been practing all this time On singles.

I don't play PIU at ALL. SO I don't know anything about it.


Anti-perspirant and a good diet could cost how many millions of dollars? While a simple black T-shirt costs me $3 at Walgreens.
You do the math.[/quote]
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66. PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 5:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Haha ouch. You freestyle singles? Hmm, not a bad idea. I guess they never really did say that you HAD to freestyle doubles. Interesting point. I like freestyling singles, it's fun. Especially since alot of people never even think of doing it, so when you do, they become "bewildered." And as for the mod, I dunno. I like Koul on Hard, that's fun, and also, maybe you guys could help me with this, but there's a song on hard that's fun to freestyle, and it goes like this:

1 2
4 5

The steps start out as follows: 3, 3, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 5, 2

Thats a good song to freestyle on singles too.
Wait, what's a D.D.R?

I love that question.
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67. PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 3:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Good description E15.gif

I can't tell you, I don't play Pump It Up at all.

But I'ma be soooooooo pissed if I can't freestyle singles. =/
I got my song memorized and everything, and My routine is baically almost done. frown.gif

I don't see why I can't either,
I mean seriously,
Pick a song, Pick the diffculty,
perform it.


Anti-perspirant and a good diet could cost how many millions of dollars? While a simple black T-shirt costs me $3 at Walgreens.
You do the math.[/quote]
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cj iwakura
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68. PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 5:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm pretty sure you can pick any mode you dang well please for an FS routine. Heck, some Nightmares are freestylable(We Don't Stop being the main choice; since Lovething bit the dust at least.).

Also, some Hard steps have better Freestyle appeal than Doubles; take a look at Go, especially.

I need to think about what song I can do that won't be done by someone else. I think that automatically eliminates Caution, Passion, and Funky Tonight to name a few.
Too bad Empire's Half Double steps aren't still around; those were awesome for FS.
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69. PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 10:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok, in regards to the tourney. Will there be any hotels with discounted prices because of the tournament? I know that hotels usually discount their prices for people when they are at a convention, sports game, etc.. So I was just wondering. This is really turning out to be a really expensive trip, just to play some video game that I for some reason seem to be addicted to.

Wait, what's a D.D.R?

I love that question.
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70. PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 1:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

3 weeks to go and still no finalized info =/


Anti-perspirant and a good diet could cost how many millions of dollars? While a simple black T-shirt costs me $3 at Walgreens.
You do the math.[/quote]
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71. PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 7:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry, I've been out of town for the holiday weekend.

DDR_KiD_1 --

Regarding hotels, there are a few hotels to choose from, with great deals. Since it's getting so close, I'm sure you're nervous about finding a place. I'll let you know within a day or two, whether the site's launched or not. The hotels (Comfort Suites, Hampton Inn, and the like) range from about $59-$75 per night, space permitting, and most include free continental (or better) breakfast, just to give you an idea for budgeting purposes.

cx3 --

My initial thought on your one-side-only FS routine idea is that, while it would be unusual, why not allow it? However, you have to realize that it would almost certainly be counterproductive to yourself, as I would think the judges would tend to downgrade your performance as something not as impressive as the normal two-side routine. You also would leave yourself much less opportunity for creativity, I would think, and for power moves, both of which are a big part of the judging. That said, I personally wouldn't have a problem if you wanted to stick to one side.

But, I would bet quite a bit that for the World Pump Festival (WPF) in Korea, that they will not allow it, and therefore will not allow it in our tourney. Freestyle was meant to be played using both pads, hence the steps dispersed on both sides during Freestyle Mode.

Assuming you had some uber-radical idea that uniquely took advantage of playing only one side, and therefore won at U.S. Nationals, there would be that dilemma of WPF not allowing you.

But, I AM assuming that WPF will not allow it, so let me try to find out for you. I've just sent a query about it.
Dallas, TX
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72. PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 2:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

cj iwakura wrote:
I'm pretty sure you can pick any mode you dang well please for an FS routine. Heck, some Nightmares are freestylable(We Don't Stop being the main choice; since Lovething bit the dust at least.).

Hot is a good, easy nightmare to free stlye. Just act hip hop, and slide the threes with style. Hit some with your hands , likd "X dropping" the four panel hit thats in the middle of the song.
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73. PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 3:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes, I'm definently nervous about getting a place. Well, thanks for the info, and I look forward to hearing from you within these next couple days.
Wait, what's a D.D.R?

I love that question.
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Trick Member
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74. PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 11:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for checking Arturo.

I'm just use to DDR, and that they allow you to pick whatever you want for Freestyle.

But I guess I miss read in the beginning that the guy who brought this topic up was talking about the MOD "Freestyle" =/
I Just figured it was a Freestyle division like DDR.

But I'm crossing my fingers on this that they'll allow it.
I really don't wanna make a whole nother routine, especially for doubles.
That would take longer, and with only like 2 and a half weeks, It's going to suck.
Probably wouldn't bother with it to be honest, not really worth it =/

I'd start saying stuff about Freestyle for PIU, but I've only done DDR Freestyle.
So I don't really have anything to say, lol.
But I've made several different routines for DDR, and realize that FS for DDR is a lot more selective it seems.

Edit: 10/14-16th is the "DDR East Coast Tourney" @ the Digital Life Center.
That's probably why I wouldn't try and make another routine. Rather focus on that more
IF possible, if you have any influence, just try and get them to allow singles Freestyle. E1.gif
So I guess, the sooner I know, the better.


Anti-perspirant and a good diet could cost how many millions of dollars? While a simple black T-shirt costs me $3 at Walgreens.
You do the math.[/quote]
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Trick Member
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75. PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here's some nearby hotel info, next to Concord Mills Mall, where the tournament venue (Jillian's) is located (outside of Charlotte, NC).

That's from the mall's site, and they've partnered with those hotels to offer those discounts to potential shoppers. However, I've called them and it seems that there's a CART race (motorsports, if you don't know, lol) in town that weekend, so they don't offer their shopper's rates at every property on every night that weekend, since they're gonna be a bit full, if not sold out.

You can try calling them again on your own, to see if you get a different answer, but here's what I've found for the nights of Thursday, 9/22 thru Sunday night, 9/25 (in case some might want to come early and/or stay late):

Hampton Inn only offers their $75 rate on Thu and Sun nights, going up to $99 on Fri and Sat.

Sleep Inn cannot offer it at all that weekend, with their current rate being $89.95.

Comfort Inn can only offer Thu - $84.99, Fri - $79.99, Sat - same, Sun - $69.99.

But the Wingate Inn, although it is also somewhat booked and cannot offer their shopper's rate, has agreed to lower their regular rates for us, to $79 for all four nights (nearly as low as their shopper's rate). They have set aside a limited amount of rooms at this rate, and you must book by the end of this coming weekend. Ask for the "PUMP" rate. Here is the text from a flyer they've created (since I can't seem to get it to duplicate):

"Wingate Inn - Concord
Speedway Boulevard at Concord Mills exit 49, Hwy 85
7841 Gateway Lane NW, Concord NC 28027
Phone: 704.979.1300 Fax: 704.979.1301
A variety of great restaurants nearby!!

Welcome to exit 49
SEPT 22,23,24, 25
79.00 + TAX
includes Hot Breakfast
CALL 704 979 1300 for rate/availability
Ask for the PUMP group rate
Lots of restaurants/shopping/entertainment at our exit!!
All rooms are loaded with amenities including refrigerator, microwave, coffee maker, two phone lines and free high-speed Internet access. Hotel offers complimentary breakfast, free 24-hour business center, free guest laundry and Manager’s Reception every Monday through Thursday.
Indoor Whirlpool, Fitness Center and Business Center with High Speed Internet, State of the art copier and fax – Meeting Space available"

Check with individual hotels for occupancy age requirements, if you are a minor (most hotels require the renter to be 18 or 21). Also, some hotels (not all) require a major credit card. There are also cheaper options further away (Days Inn), but realize that the Wingate is right there by the mall (so convenient) and you DO get that free breakfast included in that rate. Up to 4 people per room, so you can split costs.
Dallas, TX

Last edited by Arturo on Wed Sep 07, 2005 10:18 am, edited 1 time in total
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Trick Member
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76. PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote is now up and runnin. It is being updated daily as new, finalized info comes in.

Little James
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Trick Member
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77. PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 3:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is the second best day of my life. The day they finally announce the final details about the Pump It Up Nationals. I think the best day of my life will be the day that the tournament is actually held

E4.gif E4.gif E4.gif E4.gif E4.gif E4.gif E4.gif E4.gif E4.gif E4.gif
Wait, what's a D.D.R?

I love that question.
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Trick Member
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78. PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 2:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I thought i would revisit this thread and post the results. happy.gif

Results of U.S. Nationals:

Rick "Red Viper" - U.S. Speed Champion
Jason "Jason Dread"

James "Smidget" - U.S. Freestyle Champion
BJ "Bruce Leroy"

Results of WPF 2005 in Korea:

Speed (PA):
1. Lee Chang - Korea
2. Wero - Mexico
3. Red Viper - U.S.
11. JasonDread - U.S.

1. Flor and Simbas - Mexico
2. Legal - Brazil
3. Uri-Uki - Korea
10. BruceLeroy - U.S.
13. Smidget - U.S.

1. Eric(?) - Mexico
2. Argentina

WPF was incredible, Korea is the BEST! There was plenty of controversy surrounding the tournament itself, which is already being discussed on the forums at and

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79. PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 6:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wonderful. Tournament over.
Hey, Andamiro? Xbox song packs plskthx?
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