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Share your opinion about In The Groove!
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0. PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 8:40 am    Post subject: Share your opinion about In The Groove! Reply with quote

Because we know there's absolutely no shortage of them, Roxor Games has asked us to solicit your opinions on In The Groove, specifically on the PS2 version. Submissions with a fitness aspect are also welcome. Read on for the details.

Roxor Games is seeking reviews and testimonials from ITG players. If someone asked you for your opinion of In The Groove for Playstation 2 because they were thinking about buying it, what would you tell them? Let us know at!

We're also seeking stories about players losing weight and getting fit using games in the In The Groove series. Tell us your story at; you can also send us pictures of you and your friends playing ITG.

Note: By sending photos and text, you agree that Roxor Games can use your submissions for its website and any other material. All submissions will be attributed via username or first name and last initial.

This is not a debate thread, so don't do it here. Also, please be kind and courteous when sending your feedback to this address. You guys know who I'm talking to...

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1. PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 9:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

No sir, I don't like it.

The game is more work than fun to me. Songs blow. JAKAZiD is 1000 times better than KaW could ever be and he's only 17.
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2. PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 9:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I sent my short-but-sweet review...
I now wait for ITG 3
Still waiting...
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3. PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 10:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

ITG has a far better song list to choose from.
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4. PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 10:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I just sent mine in.... lost 60 lbs in 4 months :-)

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5. PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 10:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

deleted: misunderstood the purpose of this thread
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6. PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 11:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Don't have time to do it now, but oh boy.
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7. PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 12:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I already sent mine in PM form at RoxorGames. Is it fine if I post it here?
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8. PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 12:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Uiru wrote:

"Oh boy" is right. e_e I'll send one in once the university's e-mail is back online, and I'm NOT scathing my brain with exams.
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9. PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 12:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

OK I'm a little confused here, are they looking for opinions or testimonials? There's a difference to me because if all Roxor is looking for is positive weight-loss stories and "oh the game is great and i play it every day because blah blah" soundbytes, that strikes me as more of a request for strictly testimonials. The address of "yourock" also indicates this... if what I say ends up being primarily negative, I may not rock E10.gif *

However, if what they are truly seeking is opinions, both bad as well as good, I'm certianly willing to share mine, if I think it's actually being read... but the fact that the thread is clearly marked "no debate" makes me think opinions that are not all kudos and hoorays may not be warranted with this request. (But I could also see it meaning no bickering back and forth, which is reasonable)

* Being hypothetical here. In reality, I personally would have both good and bad to say.
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10. PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 1:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

they wont be checking the thread here, shoot them an e-mail.

and im almost proof positive they want to hear the bad stories more then the good. this will be going towards improving the game...

so send it in either way.
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11. PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 1:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Uiru wrote:

Don't have time to do it now, but oh boy.

Could you check to make sure you actually played it for more than half an hour before you send? I'm sure RoXoR would rather listen to actual potential customers rather than closed-minded folks who aren't going to even consider buying the sequel regardless of how good or bad it is (correct me if I'm wrong), and instead, just like to get on a soapbox and tell them they have no original ideas and need to give all their money to Konami (or are you actually going to send them something different?). kthxbye.

I'm sending them a link to my GameFAQs review. I don't think my opinion on the game has changed much since I wrote it. To sum up: it has its fair share of technical problems, but thankfully, good gameplay makes up for that. A major plus: while everyone knows they cater to experts, they also don't completely ignore the portion of the audience that likes to play new 8-9 footers, unlike some other company we know. "Here, you can have three or four of those for $40. That's fair, right?"
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12. PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 2:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, overall I enjoyed the game. Good songlist, challenging songs, but there were some flaws. First, the few bugs in the game could have been tested, I'm sure. It wouldn't have taken too long to find the TOPGRADE error. Also, it made me unsure whether the game froze or not. The music stopped, and the backround stopped. Minor, but it was weird. Finally the load times (just to get to the songwheel) were kinda annoying. Hope this helps.
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13. PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 3:44 pm    Post subject: My opinion on ITG Reply with quote

The concept of the game is excellent, but then again, the concept of the game is a rip-off of an already awesome game. I tried my hardest to give ITG a chance, but I still find myself only liking around 10 of the ITG and ITG2 songs combined. (And since half of those are already DDR songs, that doesn't even count) I'm dissapointed with the graphics. (Not the detail, since it is better than actual DDR, but the design isn't as cool as DDR games. It's plain and a little boring) Most of the songs seem like endless drabble with pointless streams of arrows. This makes every song seem like a "filler" song. As an independant game, you guys are doing alright, but there is simply no way that you could come close to DDR. (at least in my opinion) Since you are basically the same game, you are replacing DDR. I feel that you aren't doing a very good job of that. The music isn't BAD, it's just not very catchy, like DDR tunes. Basically, ITG is a crappy DDR mix that needs lots of improvements. Once again, tha's just MY opinion.

EDIT: Oh, yeah, those bugs are incredibly annoying... you have no idea. (even though you MADE the game, haha.)
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14. PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 3:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

yyr wrote:
Uiru wrote:

Don't have time to do it now, but oh boy.

Could you check to make sure you actually played it for more than half an hour before you send? I'm sure RoXoR would rather listen to actual potential customers rather than closed-minded folks who aren't going to even consider buying the sequel regardless of how good or bad it is (correct me if I'm wrong), and instead, just like to get on a soapbox and tell them they have no original ideas and need to give all their money to Konami (or are you actually going to send them something different?). kthxbye.

Thank you for posting this.
I agree.

And ITG PS2 is great, but the bugs can be annoying.
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15. PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 4:17 pm    Post subject: Re: Share your opinion about In The Groove! Reply with quote

I LOVE ITG homeversion. ITG2 is even better. I like ITG cause it has sweet songs and great steps. I like the challenging steps. Im a hardcore dancer and I really enjoy itg. Now im just waiting for ITG2 homeversion to come out...
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16. PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 7:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't think ITG for PS2 was such a hot game. IT was pretty bland. The song censorship was really annoying. I don't like how the steps go to every note of the song on expert, I wanna dance, not play IIDX with my feet. The game needs more improvement in the step charts. The songs also need to be a lot better than they have been. KaW I am talking to you.

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17. PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 8:19 pm    Post subject: Re: My opinion on ITG Reply with quote

yarni wrote:
The concept of the game is excellent, but then again, the concept of the game is a rip-off of an already awesome game. I tried my hardest to give ITG a chance, but I still find myself only liking around 10 of the ITG and ITG2 songs combined. (And since half of those are already DDR songs, that doesn't even count) I'm dissapointed with the graphics. (Not the detail, since it is better than actual DDR, but the design isn't as cool as DDR games. It's plain and a little boring) Most of the songs seem like endless drabble with pointless streams of arrows. This makes every song seem like a "filler" song. As an independant game, you guys are doing alright, but there is simply no way that you could come close to DDR. (at least in my opinion) Since you are basically the same game, you are replacing DDR. I feel that you aren't doing a very good job of that. The music isn't BAD, it's just not very catchy, like DDR tunes. Basically, ITG is a crappy DDR mix that needs lots of improvements. Once again, tha's just MY opinion.

EDIT: Oh, yeah, those bugs are incredibly annoying... you have no idea. (even though you MADE the game, haha.)

Actually, comments like these are useful because they help Roxor/us understand why certain people don't like the game/are unwlling to give it a chance, and come up with ways to win that crowd over.

That's what making a better game is. Not make it better to you, but better to the people buying it.
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18. PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 10:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So I need to play the game for at least half an hour to be able to formulate a proper opinion of the game? Or do you mean I need to play for half an hour to get to the song select screen? When I make use of this delicious opportunity, which won't be now because I don't really feel like it, I will be pointing out to them the bugs, the loading times, and the retarded censorship, which even the most shining ITG fanboy with a cock that could sink Manhattan would agree was stupid. As I have said: Even starting with the premise that ITG is fine and good, (READ THAT AGAIN YOU DUMB FUCKERS WHO READ THE LAST LINE AND FORMULATE RESPONSES BASED ON IT) ITG PS2 is an insult to the music game community and video games in general. Shovelware is not cool. I won't take it from KCET, I won't take it from KCEH, and I certainly won't take it from a bunch of pirates whose game was based off a program that DID work, and worked well, I might add.

Putting it another way, if the game was really so great, there'd be no flaws, and nothing to worry about. I hope you're not worried that I'm going to somehow offend Roxor (I don't plan on c&ping my sigged rant, as amazing as THAT would be) by pointing out to them that the PS2 incarnation of their "hard work" is a fucking joke. I don't need to tell them that Konami is going to rape them in the ass with a harpoon long enough to make the guy who wrote Pandemonium's steps feel self-conscious; they know that already. I am going to tell them that peripheral companies cannot expect to jump into software design without knowing SOMETHING about how it is done beforehand. Also, rush jobs suck, and I simply think it's pathetic that a company can shovel out half-baked crap like this and have people praise it up and down as being somehow new and improved. What does Roxor think of you people, producing shit like this? It boggles my mind.
Uiru's Stepfiles - Uiru vs ITG - Bemani on Wii?

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19. PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 11:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Uiru wrote:
A bunch of stuff. Not fully quoting to save space.

So are you saying that if Roxor produces a title with better programming ( faster load times) and doesn't do anything stupid like censoring then the game they produce will be good? I'm kind of confused by what you mean. You still wouldn't play ITG 2 even if it fixed the issues with the first game?
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