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Arcade Style IIDX controllers released by DumpsterKeeper
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20. PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 8:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

mouseish wrote:
WHat becomes of us without the KOC that have already ordered? Do we just wait for you KOC parts to arrive?
He's not building them exclusively out of user-owned KOCs - they're importing KOCs from Japan too.

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21. PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 12:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

[B&] DumpsterKeeper wrote:
Sk37ch wrote:
Question; How many years....I mean, how long will it take to get a controller if someone orders it?

Those of you looking for an actual answer to the useful part of the above post, skip to the last paragraph.

Your attempt at being funny fails. You should ask a certain DDR tournament coordinator why he bullied a sponsor into sponsoring an event with an unfinished product by saying "if you don't sponsor with a IIDX controller I'll pull your sponsorship". And then you should ask me why I was dumb enough to let him bully me into sponsoring tournament with an unfinished product.

Now, to answer the actual question: I have about 50 painted controllers stocked up, waiting for all the other parts which make the controller tick. Pending payments I will get the controllers into a finished state (unwired) within a week or two. After each order is complete, I will request the customer ships me their KOC and within one week it will be wired and the DASC will be shipped to the customer.

I wasn't trying to be funny at all. My question wasn't exclusive to any tournament or event. I know more than a few people that have either tried to contact you about buying controllers, ordered controllers from you, or have won them from a tournament that you have sponsored, and had to either wait too long to get it or didn't recieve them at all.

Bullied into sponsorship? I don't comprehend that much. As far as I know, you're an entrepreneur who is running a small business offering goods. Sponsorship is a good way for you to promote your product, but to get bullied into it; I don't see how that ties into business at all. But you seem to have made up your mind about what I was referring to when I didn't specify anything. But I'm sure that the people that won your controllers were contacted directly by you to either apoligize to them or ensure that they would get their prizes. Because that would be what a good businessman would do, right?

In any event, if you have em' stocked up than thats great. I was thinking of ordering a doubles one. I'll DL some tatsujin vids and ask some people who may have played on it already and see what they think.

By the way; I think that the trade is great. For one, like other people have mentioned, he's not going to build his ASC's from only KOCs. So if someone paid 80 bucks for their KOC, then I doubt he'd be using all 80, hence why his trade would be pretty much even. Not to mention expenses, labour and man hours involved in building the controller, etc.. And secondly, anyone who is going to trade in a KOC would have already depreciated it's value. Hell, for all Steve knows it might be worth less than 45 bucks. I didn't even read that he was asking for the box or papers that came with it or anything. If I decide to order one, and I have a KOC, I'll be sure to trade it in. Good idea.
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[B&] DumpsterKeeper
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22. PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 1:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sk37ch wrote:
In any event, if you have em' stocked up than thats great. I was thinking of ordering a doubles one. I'll DL some tatsujin vids and ask some people who may have played on it already and see what they think.

Apologies for the misunderstanding then, it came as a surprise since I saw you as an aquaintance, who I didn't really know personally but would always at least say "Hi" to when I do see you either around or at a tournament... So I was just a little surprised.

If you're looking for an opinion, Matt (Vanston) has spent a couple hours playing on the various builds of the controller including the final, so he would be a good person to talk to if you can get ahold of him.
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23. PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 2:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

qkumbr doesn't exist on the internet

and seeing as though i've worked on the insides of these DASCs before (sup Otakon) DK there knows his stuff and busts his behind to make sure that these controllers are of only the HIGHEST calibre.

And knowing that you're now able to mod your old KOC and get back a shiny new DASC, it's the best upgrade money can buy. Forget the official ASCs, this is where the value's at.

[quote:ed1f6848c5=\\\"jaeness\\\"]get your change from obama, he apparently has tons of it.[/quote]
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24. PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 2:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

sherl0k wrote:
And knowing that you're now able to mod your old KOC and get back a shiny new DASC, it's the best upgrade money can buy. Forget the official ASCs, this is where the value's at.

Don't be hatin' on da ASC's, yo...

But in all honesty, Im just curious as to how it would be to play on that big doubles one. I'd like one of those, and I don't even know how to play on the 2p side yet.

Random question; are there any other high quality 3rd party manufacturers besides Ransai and Desktop Arcade.
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25. PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 2:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sk37ch wrote:
Random question; are there any other high quality 3rd party manufacturers besides Ransai and Desktop Arcade.

Not really. There were Controllica and BreadBowlBirgade, but i don't think controllica is still making their IIDXASCs, and BBB made one controller than gave up (though it was hella sexy).
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26. PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 9:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Controllicas were crap anyway... it was pretty much a gutted-out Rave Discman.

[quote:ed1f6848c5=\\\"jaeness\\\"]get your change from obama, he apparently has tons of it.[/quote]
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27. PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 12:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I know this discussion is dead, but Pingu didn't use a RD, he used another 5-Key controller for the TT. The controller itself was pretty solid but the TT wiring was what frick it over. Everything else was OK but the lighting was a little funky, too hehe.
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28. PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 9:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

dude that looks sweet!!! E4.gif
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29. PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 12:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey Steve,

I sent you an email, but it appears to have been bounced back to me.

I'm planning a large Bemani event on the 29th and 30th of April (anticipating 70-100 people) and was looking for a possible Beatmania IIDX sponsorship. We have a dance dance revolution arcade and plenty other home bemani equipment for the tournament, but only regular konami controllers for IIDX that are prone to sticking.

Hit me up with a PM when you come back in town and we can discuss advertisement for your company for sponsorship if interested. biggrin.gif
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30. PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 1:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I thought it was that one non-RD controller not from Konami from Lik-Sang for Controllicas. Also there were numerous reports of fingerslicing with the Controllica TT edge, which would force me to an early retirement from both IIDX and popn due to that I scratch the very edge of my KOC. These as well as the lack of Customer Service PO'ed DJP to the point of putting the Controllica thread in the Marketplace forum at BS. I think that was the same fate of the popn controller thread as that sticky disappeared. But enough with the past.

I do plan on getting a DASC sometime. However, since I haven't found a IIDX machine nor anyone that has either a Ransai or DASC I don't know if the arcade spacing would kill my scores. If I happen to find either of the above and find out that it does kill my scores, are you still offering lower and closer TT's on your controllers, Steve?

I swear I read that the normal price was 225 before shipping ($50), with a total of $275. Unless if Steve has gotten cheaper shipping then 180 shipped deal for the trade-up is a bigger bargain than you think.

Thanks to Memory Mani Scores updated once a week (if played).
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31. PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 1:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm curious. Can we order a IIDX controller from DumsterKeeper if we do not own a KOC? Also, does anyone know about the approximate time to get one after ordering?



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[B&] DumpsterKeeper
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32. PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 5:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

MDR wrote:
are you still offering lower and closer TT's on your controllers, Steve?

I swear I read that the normal price was 225 before shipping ($50), with a total of $275. Unless if Steve has gotten cheaper shipping then 180 shipped deal for the trade-up is a bigger bargain than you think.


The closer TT and lower TT are still being offered as options. The price (will be, once I get my KOC supply finalized) $225 plus shipping, but this $180 price with shipping is my way of saying "Thanks for putting up with the wait" (prototyping stage) and trying to offset the consumer's past price of their KOC.
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33. PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 5:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cutriss wrote:
mouseish wrote:
WHat becomes of us without the KOC that have already ordered? Do we just wait for you KOC parts to arrive?
He's not building them exclusively out of user-owned KOCs - they're importing KOCs from Japan too.

There you go. As for the time, I don't know, but Steve has stated at BS that if you were to do the trade up after you send in your KOC there will be a week's worth of time, at the very worst.

Because Steve snuck in: Thanks for clarifying with the TT options.

Thanks to Memory Mani Scores updated once a week (if played).
popnmusic Iroha - 4.9/5!
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34. PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 5:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay, thanks. The post from Curtis didn't seem all that clear at the time. I guess if I have the money then, as soon as I get my KOC I'll be sending it out for one that's better E13.gif.


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35. PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 7:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Could we turn in our pnm minicons for one of your sexy ASCs?

PS, I would rather own one of your pop'n controllers because the Konami ASC isn't that great, but I still think the IIDX KASC is the best, just because it is just about arcade accurate as possible.

I'm an affiliate for Play-Asia, click on banner for all of your BEMANI needs!!!
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36. PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 8:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

DDRNemesis wrote:
Could we turn in our pnm minicons for one of your sexy ASCs?
I'm pretty sure the Pop'n controllers use parts that don't come from KOCs, so there wouldn't be a point in it.

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37. PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 6:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lol Desktop Arcade more like I won't be recieving mine for a year after I order.
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[B&] DumpsterKeeper
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38. PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 7:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Snapps wrote:
Lol Desktop Arcade more like I won't be recieving mine for a year after I order.

Stay cozy, flamer.
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[B&] DumpsterKeeper
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39. PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 7:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cutriss wrote:
DDRNemesis wrote:
Could we turn in our pnm minicons for one of your sexy ASCs?
I'm pretty sure the Pop'n controllers use parts that don't come from KOCs, so there wouldn't be a point in it.

Correct, no KOC Pop'n controller needed for a sexy Pop'n DASC.
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