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North American Field Test of DrumManiav4 and GuitarFreaksv4
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0. PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 4:20 am    Post subject: North American Field Test of DrumManiav4 and GuitarFreaksv4 Reply with quote would like to invite everyone back to the Brunswick Zone of Naperville Illinois for the North American debut launch of the DrumMania v4 and GuitarFreaks v4 field test! This test will begin on September 30 2007. Session Mode with be available along with E-Amusement! Now it’s time for your input! Your voice is heard; complete this response form to directly submit your ideas to Konami!

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Location: Brunswick Zone of Naperville
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1. PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 8:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

first lawl
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2. PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 11:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

will the machine be on Extra Rush Lv4?
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3. PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 5:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My only suggestion to Konami at this point would be to copy Rock Band as closely as possible but to keep the flat and easier to read note scrolling.
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4. PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

its always brunswick at naperville, illinois... E2.gif
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Lobster Jesus
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5. PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 9:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

FTV wrote:
My only suggestion to Konami at this point would be to copy Rock Band as closely as possible but to keep the flat and easier to read note scrolling.


They're not going to change for some stupid game thats not even out yet after Konami has been successful with their design for almost 10 years (10 year anniversary in 2009?)

Rock band is just a sad attempt to jump on the GH bandwagon. The drum set is inferior to DM, and all it's gonna do is focus mainly on Guitar rather than everything as a whole...guaranteed.
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6. PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 12:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

this would have been exciting a few years ago, now bleh
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7. PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 5:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

the layout is mor elike guitar hero with the flames
DM/GF stands on its own
its already light years beyond c0ck band
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8. PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 6:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

lolharp5000 wrote:
FTV wrote:
My only suggestion to Konami at this point would be to copy Rock Band as closely as possible but to keep the flat and easier to read note scrolling.


They're not going to change for some stupid game thats not even out yet after Konami has been successful with their design for almost 10 years (10 year anniversary in 2009?)

Rock band is just a sad attempt to jump on the GH bandwagon. The drum set is inferior to DM, and all it's gonna do is focus mainly on Guitar rather than everything as a whole...guaranteed.
Rock Band is made buy Harmonix, who created Guitar Hero and then sold it to Activision. You'll understand why I'm saying they should copy it in a year or so when Rock Band is immensely successful. Trust me, I've played a lot of GF and I used to think it was good but having played Rock Band at PAX I quickly understood that Harmonix has this concept significantly cornered. Aside from it not being an arcade game, the experience is greatly superior. You won't believe me now, but in a year or so when Rock Band is all everyone freaking talks about, you'll probably understand.
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9. PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 6:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rock Band and GH are casual. GF and DM are hardcore. Moving from RB/GH to GF/DM is the logical progression.
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10. PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 6:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Reenee wrote:
Rock Band and GH are casual. GF and DM are hardcore. Moving from RB/GH to GF/DM is the logical progression.
Almost no one will do this.
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11. PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 11:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

FTV wrote:
My only suggestion to Konami at this point would be to copy Rock Band as closely as possible but to keep the flat and easier to read note scrolling.

Well to most people (that don't know about GFdm) they really wouldn't have to do anything, they'll assume that's what they're doing anyway.
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12. PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 11:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Edit: I'm gonna have a field day on the "Me Wanty" Section. laugh.gif Trust me, I'll mention songs that are GFdm-appropriate. Besides, given that the [online] Bemani community is heaping piping-hot with IIDX & PoMu elitists, it's safe to say I won't see the light of day of playing the thrashy-bashy DDR song, CRASH!, on GFdm, or the privilege of playing Hypnotic Crisis, for the sake of the Hypno- trilogy (-tica, -tic Crisis, -theque). disturb.gif
BeForU was easily the heart and soul of DDR, until someone in Konami thought that it's a threat to the current structure (read: Konami's blatant overfunding of IIDX/pop'n).
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13. PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 12:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Someone check Model FT2 (Miracle Version) on Drums, cuz I heard that it got dropped from 99 to 98 in V4.......WTF?!
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14. PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 4:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

FTV wrote:
Reenee wrote:
Rock Band and GH are casual. GF and DM are hardcore. Moving from RB/GH to GF/DM is the logical progression.
Almost no one will do this.

unfortunately this is true.
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15. PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 4:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Marq(uistadorous) wrote:
FTV wrote:
Reenee wrote:
Rock Band and GH are casual. GF and DM are hardcore. Moving from RB/GH to GF/DM is the logical progression.
Almost no one will do this.

unfortunately this is true.
Seriously people, I love Konami, but when each of you find yourself at someone's house and everyone is playing Rock Band, and you reluctantly give it another try, you'll begin to understand what Harmonix is getting so right with their games, as you fight back a smile of joy. Harmonix's developers deeply love and understand the styles of music they try to simulate with their games and it becomes apparent with some time. And as for GH's "hardcore" credibility, if you've ever seen a hardcore GH player, then you know that if they sat down with GF, they would say, "Oh cool, only three buttons. Guess it's time to relax." And people, Rock Band's drum game uses real drum patterns! It actually teaches you something about REAL drums! How can anyone argue with that?

Don't stop loving GF and DM, but don't knock Rock Band. It deserves SO much respect.
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Lobster Jesus
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16. PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 10:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

FTV wrote:
lolharp5000 wrote:
FTV wrote:
My only suggestion to Konami at this point would be to copy Rock Band as closely as possible but to keep the flat and easier to read note scrolling.


They're not going to change for some stupid game thats not even out yet after Konami has been successful with their design for almost 10 years (10
year anniversary in 2009?)

Rock band is just a sad attempt to jump on the GH bandwagon. The drum set is inferior to DM, and all it's gonna do is focus mainly on Guitar rather than everything as a whole...guaranteed.
Rock Band is made buy Harmonix, who created Guitar Hero and then sold it to Activision. You'll understand why I'm saying they should copy it in a year or so when Rock Band is immensely successful. Trust me, I've played a lot of GF and I used to think it was good but having played Rock Band at PAX I quickly understood that Harmonix has this concept significantly cornered. Aside from it not being an arcade game, the experience is greatly superior. You won't believe me now, but in a year or so when Rock Band is all everyone freaking talks about, you'll probably understand.

Ok you're right and i'm wrong.

Let's COMPLETELY start from square one on GF/DM. Redo the ENTIRE drumset and add two measley buttons to GF. Better yet, let's add Karaoke Revolution to the mix! After all, everyone LOVES to sing along to Asaki's music right biggrin.gif?

People talk about GH all the time, yet I don't say "Ya GF/DM IS TOTALLY INFERIOR LULZ".

Don't get me wrong. GH and RB are doing great introducing music games to the US, but it did more harm than good about the genre to the US. Every other game is going to get accused of GH ripoff unless it's DDR. Music games were better off when it was just a small group of friends that would play on weekends and maybe impress some people rather than constant airtime that usually sheds a bad light on it.

Point: Most of the people here don't give two shits what the mainstream view on music games is because most of the people are ignorant about it. This is more or less going to cater to hardcore music gamers anyways, but we would probably all like to see a wider audience attraction...noobs and veterans alike. Accused of ripoff? Most likely, but that's due to bad timing. Release this a year earlier and it would probably turn out differently.

You'll probably say something about "it's not mainstream musiks wahh". Look at's far from mainstream music (minus covers and US licenses) and it's a huge hit.

Last edited by Lobster Jesus on Tue Sep 25, 2007 11:04 pm, edited 2 times in total
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17. PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 10:57 pm    Post subject: V4! Reply with quote

FTV wrote:
Harmonix's developers deeply love and understand the styles of music they try to simulate with their games and it becomes apparent with some time.
And Konami doesn't? And they haven't since 1997/1999? Some people on Bemani forums can be real elitist schmucks when it comes to music quality and charting, but Konami definitely has it right too. (Not you. I mean the people who feel like they have to remind us that Xepher sucks and has horrible steps. We know already. sarc.gif) But for every person who says that I'm positive there are 20 people who disagree. They're just not hardcore enough for fansites or they're too intimidated. I know you just said that you're a Konami fan too. I'm just saying this for everyone else.

Before GH even came out I was telling people that it was going to be a good game. To non-rhythm fans I just said "buy this". To hardcore fans who would understand, I said "It's like a well-made Guitar Freaks with two extra buttons and unoriginal music." (I didn't know about bonus tracks yet.) But if you're really hardcore then you'd know that I was actually slighting GH there. GF has been the red-headed stepchild of the Bemani family ever since about the time of DDR MAX2. Least popular by far.

I know for 110% certain that the drums are where it's at. We have more IIDX machines in North America than we do GF machines. But what was wrong with GF? It's not the songlist, because DM kicks ass. It ain't the difficulty or the coordination, because we play everything else. I think the GF/H mechanic is just less fun. I've had the privilege of playing Drummania for about 3 years now and I can honestly say that DM is easier to pick up, easier to get good at, and way sexier. And I know this for sure because of the noobs! They:
  • seem to enjoy 14s (that's like a 1.4 footer). This is despite their tendency to be bored with stepcharts that have fewer than 400 arrows.
  • seem to enjoy playing Vanilla Ninja songs over and over and over. This is despite their berating 4-panel players for doing the same thing.
  • hit the snare like it's going to break open and shower them with candy. (At least they're getting into it, although damaging the game is bad.)
  • occasionally play their 14s on 5x dark. It's cooler that way.
  • exist in DDR-sized quantities at TGA.
But I don't look down on these people. I encourage them! I show them how to sort the songlist so that they can find the second Vanilla Ninja song. I was once like that too and I love that the game attracts new players without me having to convince people to try it. I've started a few IIDX players, but DM players are self motivated! Meanwhile, approximately 1/50 of these new DM addicts seem to care about GF at all. And I don't suspect that they were spoiled by GH in the least.

GF+DM has one very important advantage over RB - price and availability. RB requires a next-gen console and an unannounced number of dollars. GF+DM in a bar / golf course / movie theater / mall / office lobby (yes!) / Walmart / etc. will reach more people and be cheaper. This never happened to DDR because the controller costs $25 and the game is embarrassing to play in public. With DM the controller is expensive, still not 1/10th as nice, and playing in public is not a problem. I think Konami should be running ads to raise awareness of the coin-op versions.
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Lobster Jesus
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18. PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 11:07 pm    Post subject: Re: V4! Reply with quote

Catastrophe wrote:
FTV wrote:
Harmonix's developers deeply love and understand the styles of music they try to simulate with their games and it becomes apparent with some time.
And Konami doesn't? And they haven't since 1997/1999? Some people on Bemani forums can be real elitist schmucks when it comes to music quality and charting, but Konami definitely has it right too. (Not you. I mean the people who feel like they have to remind us that Xepher sucks and has horrible steps. We know already. sarc.gif) But for every person who says that I'm positive there are 20 people who disagree. They're just not hardcore enough for fansites or they're too intimidated. I know you just said that you're a Konami fan too. I'm just saying this for everyone else.

Before GH even came out I was telling people that it was going to be a good game. To non-rhythm fans I just said "buy this". To hardcore fans who would understand, I said "It's like a well-made Guitar Freaks with two extra buttons and unoriginal music." (I didn't know about bonus tracks yet.) But if you're really hardcore then you'd know that I was actually slighting GH there. GF has been the red-headed stepchild of the Bemani family ever since about the time of DDR MAX2. Least popular by far.

I know for 110% certain that the drums are where it's at. We have more IIDX machines in North America than we do GF machines. But what was wrong with GF? It's not the songlist, because DM kicks ass. It ain't the difficulty or the coordination, because we play everything else. I think the GF/H mechanic is just less fun. I've had the privilege of playing Drummania for about 3 years now and I can honestly say that DM is easier to pick up, easier to get good at, and way sexier. And I know this for sure because of the noobs! They:
  • seem to enjoy 14s (that's like a 1.4 footer). This is despite their tendency to be bored with stepcharts that have fewer than 400 arrows.
  • seem to enjoy playing Vanilla Ninja songs over and over and over. This is despite their berating 4-panel players for doing the same thing.
  • hit the snare like it's going to break open and shower them with candy. (At least they're getting into it, although damaging the game is bad.)
  • occasionally play their 14s on 5x dark. It's cooler that way.
  • exist in DDR-sized quantities at TGA.
But I don't look down on these people. I encourage them! I show them how to sort the songlist so that they can find the second Vanilla Ninja song. I was once like that too and I love that the game attracts new players without me having to convince people to try it. I've started a few IIDX players, but DM players are self motivated! Meanwhile, approximately 1/50 of these new DM addicts seem to care about GF at all. And I don't suspect that they were spoiled by GH in the least.

GF+DM has one very important advantage over RB - price and availability. RB requires a next-gen console and an unannounced number of dollars. GF+DM in a bar / golf course / movie theater / mall / office lobby (yes!) / Walmart / etc. will reach more people and be cheaper. This never happened to DDR because the controller costs $25 and the game is embarrassing to play in public. With DM the controller is expensive, still not 1/10th as nice, and playing in public is not a problem. I think Konami should be running ads to raise awareness of the coin-op versions.

I think you basically hit the nail on the head. Good job biggrin.gif.
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19. PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 11:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

FTV wrote:
And as for GH's "hardcore" credibility, if you've ever seen a hardcore GH player, then you know that if they sat down with GF, they would say, "Oh cool, only three buttons. Guess it's time to relax."

Have you really played Guitar Freaks? As in songs that are over level 90?

And people, Rock Band's drum game uses real drum patterns! It actually teaches you something about REAL drums! How can anyone argue with that?

And DrumMania teaches you...fake drums? Just out of curiosity, do you actually play drums (like, regularly for at least a few years)?
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