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Guitar Hero 4 info
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0. PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 5:57 pm    Post subject: Guitar Hero 4 info Reply with quote

From BemaniStyle:

- Create a song. Although these exclude vocals due to storage and possible copyright issues.
- You'll be able to name your song as well as creating album art. After you've done all that you can upload it to GH Tunes where anyone can download it.
- You'll be limited to 5 songs at first. But depending on the ratings you get you'll possibly be able to upload 10 or more.
- The song sharing mode will be in the Wii and PS2 versions also, but GI says it's unlikely that it'll be as robust as the PS3 and 360 versions.
- Drums, bass, vocals guitar
- Create a rocker
- Create a guitar and drums
- All songs will be master tracks
- They don't want to discuss specifics on track listing out of fear of being scooped by the competition. However they confirmed 4 bands: Van Halen, The Eagles, Linkin Park and Sublime.
- A new guitar designed by Red Octane that includes a new input mechanic that'll "impact the way you play GH in the future".
- GI [To my knowledge, some of this info will be in the June issue of Game Informer] saw see through notes while playing that Neversoft said was the new input mechanic and that they were trying to patent.
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1. PostPosted: Tue May 13, 2008 3:00 pm    Post subject: Re: Guitar Hero 4 info Reply with quote

Zonic wrote:
- Vocals
- All songs will be master tracks
- Linkin Park

*crosses fingers* Please don't add Crawling, please don't add Crawling, please don't add Crawling.

Other details makes this look like a Rock Band ripoff but

*crosses fingers* Please don't add Crawling, please don't add Crawling, please don't add Crawling.
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2. PostPosted: Tue May 13, 2008 5:07 pm    Post subject: Re: Guitar Hero 4 info Reply with quote

LazyKenny wrote:
*crosses fingers* Please don't add Crawling, please don't add Crawling, please don't add Crawling.

...or i hope they don't add my december, it doesn't have that much guitar in it
your rhinestone eyes are like...
factories far away.
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3. PostPosted: Tue May 13, 2008 11:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

DDR : ITG :: Rock Band : GH4
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4. PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 12:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

only thing that sounds remotely good about this is the new drum kit. If it works with rock band, i'll be ditching my rock band drum set for a nice GH4 one.

guitar hero 4, however, is going to be garbage. I got this game last year. It's called rock band. Sorry EA, i'm not paying $60 for a song creation tool.
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El Band Geek
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5. PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 12:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

cfusionpm wrote:
DDR : ITG :: GH4 : Rock Band


No seriously, Harmonix actually cares about quality, and RB/GH I and II proved that. Activision only cares about cashing in on the craze, just like Konami did with post-Extreme DDR. Now look, there's competition from a game that's taking the core gameplay and making it a million times better so Activision goes to MUST CRUSH LITTLE GUY mode....the only real difference here is that Harmonix, unlike Roxor actually created the game in the first place (more or less.....GuitarFreaks)
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6. PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 12:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

El Band Geek wrote:
cfusionpm wrote:
DDR : ITG :: GH4 : Rock Band


No seriously, Harmonix actually cares about quality, and RB/GH I and II proved that. Activision only cares about cashing in on the craze, just like Konami did with post-Extreme DDR. Now look, there's competition from a game that's taking the core gameplay and making it a million times better so Activision goes to MUST CRUSH LITTLE GUY mode....the only real difference here is that Harmonix, unlike Roxor actually created the game in the first place (more or less.....GuitarFreaks)

i guess i show my age with that comment. i haven't followed either ddr or itg for over 3 years.

the comparrison i was making was the "original" makers creating a fun game to play vs blatently ripping off an existing idea* and having songs go from painfully easy to ridiculously hard with virtually no middle ground; a complete unballancing of difficulty mixed with artificially-difficult songs (the term "overcharted" is frequently used to describe many GH3 songs since many "notes" you hit don't actually musically corrospond to anything and are only there to make the song harder to play).

You're very right about Harmonix caring about its quality, but i do not see that attribute whatsoever in ITG. unless the only demographic you want to count are hardcore tournament players or hardcore score obsessed players.

*yeah, yeah, konami did guitars and drums first, but since MTV owns the rights for a "drum sim" game in the states, there's nothing konami can do for a state side release. and unlike the basement garage team-- er, i mean RoXoR, Konami won't just do it anyway and hope for the best.
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7. PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 2:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

dude, roxor cared a lot about quality for the players themselves. I dont know if you're aware, but ITG was originally designed by DDR players for DDR players who were sick of DDR extreme, since konami said no moar arcade mixes. ITG wasn't made by a bunch of assholes who wanted to cash-in on the franchise; it was one of the few games made today that was made to appeal to players first. Why do you think roxor made the R21 patch? to keep players happy, with konami owning in the groove now, theres no way they can make a new ITG so they let the players do the next best thing; make there own stepcharts to make the game last a long time.

is ITG perfect? no, but thats not the point. the stepcharts may have been a little much on expert and i can see why you don't like ITG, but if you think RoXor didnt care about the quality of ITG, well, you're wrong.
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8. PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 2:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

jpop'n floss wrote:
dude, roxor cared a lot about quality for the players themselves. I dont know if you're aware, but ITG was originally designed by DDR players for DDR players who were sick of DDR extreme, since konami said no moar arcade mixes. ITG wasn't made by a bunch of assholes who wanted to cash-in on the franchise; it was one of the few games made today that was made to appeal to players first. Why do you think roxor made the R21 patch? to keep players happy, with konami owning in the groove now, theres no way they can make a new ITG so they let the players do the next best thing; make there own stepcharts to make the game last a long time.

is ITG perfect? no, but thats not the point. the stepcharts may have been a little much on expert and i can see why you don't like ITG, but if you think RoXor didnt care about the quality of ITG, well, you're wrong.

i know exactly how and why ITG was made. thats why i made the basement garage comment (plus it's not much more than stepmania code running on a linux box). the main intent of ITG was to make new, difficult content for people who were bored with DDR's "too easy" charts. it was made with the intent of making ridiculously hard songs for hardcore players.

R21 was a last ditch effort to try and stick the fork in konami's eye. hacked machines had existed for some time; this was just them trying to extend the lifespan of their machines by making it easier to do since they were not legally allowed to make any new games after ITG2.

roxor's idea of "quality" greatly differs from mine. overbloated, gimmicky stepmania step charts do not equate to "quality" in my eyes. and that's the same direction neversoft is taking with its GH note charts. which is why i will firmly stand by harmonix.
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9. PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 3:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Why has the Guitar Hero 4 thread become an ITG debate? There's a lot of other forums you can take that to if you want. Lets keep this one for Guitar Hero 4 please...
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10. PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 7:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

hey, i only made a basic analogy (a decently sound one at that). its others who got all uppity about it.
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11. PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 8:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

they released scans for the drums

a. they look even flimsier than rb drums

b. since they're different in lay out terms, theres no way it can be compatible with rb drums.

with that said

im not paying a ton of money for more drums, so im passing on this game for even more reasons.
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12. PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 9:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i actually like the drum setup, and i think its as good as its probably going to get for an affordable home peripheral (i hate the "quads" layout of the RB drums, and konami's home set is downright terrible). i just don't trust neversoft as far as i can throw them to make good note charts. i'll wait till i see some videos of final note charts before i even consider picking this title up.
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13. PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2008 6:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

heres to harmonix for now announcing a new rock band for this year yet.

because hey, no point in making another game with just a few new addons, right?
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14. PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2008 10:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

in an article in EGM (or maybe OXM...), Harmonix stated they had no intention of making a RB sequel. they want to use RB as a platform to expand on via DLC. so if new additions would be added, they could be done so in the form of downloadable updates. couple that with the constant stream of DLC every week (over 100 songs available for DLC alone so far), and there's really no need for any sequel.

Last edited by cfusionpm on Sat Aug 02, 2008 12:27 pm, edited 2 times in total
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15. PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 12:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'll stick with Harmonix from now on. Activision has IMO, destroyed the GH series.
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16. PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 12:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

cfusionpm wrote:
in an article in EGM (or maybe OXM...), Harmonix stated they had no intention of making a RB sequel. they want to use RB as a platform to expand on via DLC. so if new additions would be added, they could be done so in the form of downloadable updates. couple that with the constant stream of DLC every week (over 100 songs available for DLC alone so far), and there's really no need for any sequel.

well i'll eat my words. but at least with Rock Band 2, its more like an interface and songlist update than anything else. since all instruments and DLC are both forward and backward compatible with RB2, it seems more like a content-packed expansion than any kind of "sequel;", much like any of the bemani games (if they had DLC, and could be used interchangably).

(meant to quote my post... not edit it o_0)
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