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Update on Konami v. Roxor
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0. PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 6:51 am    Post subject: Update on Konami v. Roxor Reply with quote

For those of you who are following the Konami v. Roxor et al case, we have some new case documents for your review. The most interesting development is that Roxor has filed countersuit against Konami, particularly alleging that Konami's patent is invalid and that its marks have become too generic to assert trademark infringement.

Roxor's Response and Counterclaim
Konami's answer to counterclaims
Order for discovery


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1. PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 7:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I hope konami wins but roxor gets to continue making music games...

that would be best case senario

ps yay second post
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2. PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 7:07 am    Post subject: Re: Update on Konami v. Roxor Reply with quote

First time to ever comment first heck yeah!!! I read on the report once till my eyes hurt. I think that this fight is stupid. I mean competition is good. Atleast Roxor is trying to make the dancing world bigger and better by making a game.
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3. PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 7:31 am    Post subject: Five steps below Executive Summary Reply with quote

I'm no legal beagle, but lemme see if I've got this straight: (And if there're any lawyers in the house, would you mind doing a little pro bono analysis? E4.gif )

1: RoXoR denies that they have violated Konami's patents on the grounds that their device does not use the 835 patent, does not implicitly liscense the 835 patent, and, even if it did, the 835 patent has become generic.

2: RoXoR denies that they have infringed on or diluted Konami's trademarks on the grounds that they had no knowledge of arcade owners failing to cover up DDR labels with ITG labels.

3: RoXoR is staying out of the RedOctane and MadCatz part of the suit, other than admitting that they partnered with RedOctane to put ITG on PS2.

4: RoXoR is asking for damages for lost business due to willful unfair competition by Konami.

5: Konami's response is that they deny the charges of unfair competition by RoXoR and ask for compensation of attorney fees from the countersuit.

6: Should neither side reach a settlement or move for a different date before then, a trial will take place on February 12, 2007. Before said date, there will be numerous milestones and hearings for the evidence presented in that trial.

That's what I think is going on. Can anyone with a little more of a legal background confirm or deny this?
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4. PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 7:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Haha, if I was the judge:

*gavel* "Alright, RoXoR and Konami both get a million dollars."

"You;" *points at RoXoR*, "Stop making BoXoRs."

"And you;" *points at Konami*, "Make a new arcade mix."

Good enough solution.
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5. PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 7:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well they do make an interesting point... Konami is indeed trying to unfairly stop competition from existing... much like if someone copyrighted 2D side scrolling games before Mario existed and took Nintendo to court for making it... and then Sega for Sonic the hedgehog and so on... Konami adding Mad Catz is just proof of this since we know Mad Catz junk is already considered junk by most... how much money did they make off MC Groove? None? haha

A game genre can only go so far with only one choice to choose from... what's next? Konami adding the NeonFM guys to this?
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6. PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 8:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

NeonFM has already consulted with Konami and confirmed they are in the clear.
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7. PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 8:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Reenee wrote:
NeonFM has already consulted with Konami and confirmed they are in the clear.

Which is probably why Konami is coming after Roxor with the banhammer. Because they didnt call up Konami and say "Hey we would like to make a new product that is EXACTLY LIKE YOUR PRODUCT and we might want to talk about it before we do anything"

NeonFM had the forward to think ahead a little and do that. RoXor Games may not have.
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8. PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 8:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm glad NeonFM is in the clear. At least it spices things up. ItG was simply DDR (Yes, same gameplay) with a crapload of mods and silly music (My opinion. Get off me) (And DJ Potatoe should get permission from DJ Damien to use Guyz Dongz as the compliment to Girlz buttz).

..But what about DANCE PRAISE?!
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9. PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 8:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Maybe Konami wouldn't be suing Roxor if the ITG steps didn't suck so bad.
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10. PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 8:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Then don't post, obviously.
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11. PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 9:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah well RoXor screwed up somewhere to piss Konami off so badly. But hey, what can we do.

I could make that Dance Praise Crap in about 15 minutes using Stepmania. No joke.
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12. PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 9:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fanboys of either side need not post, unless it is intelligent.

In any case, I really wish the trial date wasn't so far away, but oh well.
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Wolfman Jake
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13. PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 9:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Tsuri wrote:
Well they do make an interesting point... Konami is indeed trying to unfairly stop competition from existing... much like if someone copyrighted 2D side scrolling games before Mario existed and took Nintendo to court for making it... and then Sega for Sonic the hedgehog and so on...

The problem with your reasoning is that what you described is absolutely NOT what is going on with Konami's DDR patents. One covers the hardware (including the cabinet design and the dance platform). The other includes the mechanics of the gameplay (more specifically, things like the way the judgment windows and feedback are setup, the vertical orientation of the arrows, the use of four arrows in the cardinal directions, things of that nature). Konami's patents do NOT constitute any kind of "monopoly" on rhythm gaming in general or dance gaming in particular. The only problem is that copycats (yes, copycats. ITG fanboys can't have their cake and eat it too. It's not both "the evolution of DDR" and "totally different from DDR," sorry) are not imaginative enough to come up with different gameplay mechanics for a "dancing game." Eyetoy Groove is a dancing game, and it's quite different from DDR. See? Not that hard. Basically, Roxor made a piece of hardware that specifically must be placed inside a Konami patented cabinet, eliminating whatever DDR was already inside the unit, without Konami's permission. Worse, it's something that plays exactly like DDR. Now, which side is engaging in "unfair competition"? If you were Konami, wouldn't YOU be upset? I really wonder who is giving Roxor legal council in these matters (and from the start, actually). My bet is Lionel Huttz, heh.

Let's put it in perspective. What if I were to decide that Sega hasn't made a good Sonic game since the Genesis, so I set out to make my own AND turn a profit on it. So I make a processor and ROM to run the game, something that you can put inside a gutted...let's say Dreamcast or something. The game plays exactly like a Sonic game, with the game divided into zones, subdivided into acts, rings to collect, animals trapped in robots, powerups found in monitors, with Special Stages in which you can win Chaos Emeralds, seven of which will transform the character into a golden "Super" form. But lets rename some elements superficially to cover up the fact that we copied the gameplay mechanics of Sonic almost exactly. Let's call the rings "circles," the monitors "boxes with windows," the chaos emeralds "pandemonium rubies," and name the game "Zonic the Porcupine." Oh, I'll be sure to include a sticker to put over the Dreamcast logo. Sega would be totally cool with that, right?
Wolfman Jake

Last edited by Wolfman Jake on Tue Aug 16, 2005 9:24 am, edited 1 time in total
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14. PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 9:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

93. Not only do Roxor’s products not literally infringe the ‘835 patent, but, in
addition, Roxor’s products are so different in function and operation from that disclosed in the
‘835 patent that Roxor’s products could not be found to infringe under the doctrine of

Can Roxor really say that about ITG? They are not different in function and they use the same basic gameplay.

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Mike Oxlahrj
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15. PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 9:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Tsuri wrote:
Well they do make an interesting point... Konami is indeed trying to unfairly stop competition from existing... much like if someone copyrighted 2D side scrolling games before Mario existed and took Nintendo to court for making it... and then Sega for Sonic the hedgehog and so on...

Magnavox did that. The creater of the Odyssey patented some inner working and sued alot of gaming consoles such as Atari, and forced others (such as Nintendo) to pay for use of their patented product.
I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was blaming you.
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16. PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 9:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just wondering, isnt the WHOLE POINT to the Jamma standard is that you *can* easially switch out the hardware and games?

In all honesty though, ITG and DDR look very similar. A LOT of people who play the games casually and dont know the difference will call ITG DDR. Yes, roxor screwed up by making this game (Im sorry, but DDR Is in NO WAY generic, there where TWO mayjor step-based arcade games, and they are atleast different). Konami did, however, screw up by not re-opening US-AM.

Yes, in the groove is an amazing game. However, the differences between the two games (Im not talking about songs, but im talking about battle*, marathon and modifiers) are NOT going to be noticed by the casual arcade go-er who plays the game once or twice. To them, its the exact same game with a different interface and different songs. Sure roxor thinks its different enough, but when you look at it, its the exact same arrow layout. Atleast fighting games have different charachters and moves the average person can tell the difference with.

* battle is dance magic in DDR Disney Mix.

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17. PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 9:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I would be interested in a clarification of how, exactly, Konami has been willfully and unfairly trying to fuck around with ITG's sales, when Roxor has been stripping DDR cabinets left right and center to put their crap in. Surely suing your stupid ass for being retarded isn't a suable offence (even in America, one would hope).

Also, I got the impression that a lot of Roxor's response was them putting their hands over their ears and going "blah blah blah blah blah"... ended by "hay guys look we can sue too! *dig dig dig*".

Had they just said "fine here's your money, now let's just do our things with no more Boxors", they might have worked out an arrangement much like Pump. Now it seems like they're going to make it a whole shit ton worse for themselves. You cannot have no clue how copyright law works and expect to win against a massive corporation that has been protecting its patents for years.

Any response from RO and Mad Catz? As these two are actual legitimate businesses, I would expect a more sensible response.
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Wolfman Jake
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18. PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 9:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

DDRNemesis wrote:
93. Not only do Roxor’s products not literally infringe the ‘835 patent, but, in
addition, Roxor’s products are so different in function and operation from that disclosed in the
‘835 patent that Roxor’s products could not be found to infringe under the doctrine of

Can Roxor really say that about ITG? They are not different in function and they use the same basic gameplay.

Yeah, that's what makes me really wonder what's going through the Roxor team's heads and who is giving them legal advice. That claim is simply rediculous. I can imagine a judge viewing Exhibit A of DDR and Exhibit B of ITG and banging his gavel after 30 seconds, ordering Roxor to bend over and brace themselves. This countersuit is changing my opinion of the Roxor team, unfortunately. Before, I was willing to believe they were naive, starry-eyed DDR fans who thought they could inherit the phenomenon. Now they come off as smug, smarmy, ungreatful...well...jerks blink.gif Face it. No one in Roxor would have EVER dreamed up ITG, or anything really like it, had DDR never existed.

Also, I've got a feeling that Mad Katz and RedOctane will settle with Konami, which will put a metric assload of pressure on Roxor.
Wolfman Jake
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19. PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 9:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Uiru wrote:
I would be interested in a clarification of how, exactly, Konami has been willfully and unfairly trying to fuck around with ITG's sales, when Roxor has been stripping DDR cabinets left right and center to put their crap in. Surely suing your stupid ass for being retarded isn't a suable offence (even in America, one would hope).

Any response from RO and Mad Catz? As these two are actual legitimate businesses, I would expect a more sensible response.

First off, Konami makes NO MONEY from an arcade machine that has already been sold. I understand that the machine is a big, loud advertisement, but see, the thing is, if there is ITG installed in it every single Konami/DDR logo should be covered up.

Second off, how is Roxor NOT a legitimate business?
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