Otaku's Dream is an anime based stepmania community which has been around for a while. You may know this site for the various mixes, in particular Otaku's Dream Anime mixes 1-5. This is the 6th mix. Hopefully thanks to communities like this one, we can revive this project that has been slowly dying the past while. A lot of leader changes and fundamental steps have been taken to ensure OD6 is nothing like any of its previous mixes and is on par with other quality keyboard packs that have recently released (Dark Chancellors Pack, ODIPack, SMGroove Pack to name a few)
This pack consists of both kb and pad files. They are separated in two sections. Simfiles must follow these guidelines http://od.impulse102.com/forums/showthread.php?t=965, meaning all songs must be from a japan based company. Songs do NOT necessarily have to be from different anime, pretty much any Japanese song is acceptable. Questions can be directed here or better yet, asked on our IRC.
What you should include in your submission:
-.sm file
-mp3 or ogg song files only
-gfx encouraged if decent
Submit all your files here: otakusdream6@gmail.com
Judges (still being confirmed, final # of judges TBD):
edit: forums are currently down, submissions are still being accepted to the e-mail however. Once forums return to normal we have an entire forum section dedicated to the reviewing and critiquing of files. Don't be discouraged if a file is rejected, keep submitting! Only the highest quality simfiles will be finalized and accepted into the final mix, so give it your all!